Dr. Guda Honored with ASGE Distinguished Educator Crystal Award

Congratulations, Dr. Nalini Guda, on being honored with the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) Distinguished Educator Crystal Award!
As President of GI Associates, Dr. Guda’s dedication to quality patient care and leadership goes well beyond the walls of our organization. This prestigious award is proof of his passion and excellence in education among his students and colleagues around the world.
“I am honored to receive this year’s Distinguished Educator Award from the ASGE. In my own career, I have been fortunate to be taught and mentored by a great many individuals including Drs. Nimish Vakil, Martin Freeman, Joseph Geenen, and Nageshwar Reddy. The impact they had on me and my skill in endoscopy has been enormous, and not a day goes by when I do not think of what each of these individuals have taught me.
With this privilege comes a great responsibility of imparting what I know to others and most importantly to the next generation. Over the years, I have been able to work with and teach a number of advanced endoscopy fellows in my day-to-day practice. I have taken this experience of teaching endoscopic techniques to national and international audiences and learners. I consider it a privilege to be chosen and given an opportunity to participate and teach in many of these educational activities and each of these experiences have contributed to improvement in my teaching ability. I am thankful for this recognition by my peers and will cherish this award.” – Dr. Nalini Guda
For more information on Dr. Guda, click here.